Make lakhs of rupees from home with the help of AI by editing videos
Don't worry if you don't have any skills because the revolution of Artificial Intelligence is starting all over the world. And AI is the technology that has made many tasks that used to take hours to be done in minutes and easily. So with the help of AI we can also earn money from home.
How to make money with AI?
There are many ways to make money with the help of AI. Where you can earn money with AI by freelancing, writing content, managing social media. But one way in which you will be able to earn much more in less time if you work is video editing or content creation both are different things but by working on these two things you will be able to earn lakhs of rupees per month from home with AI.
How to make money with content creation or video editing?
At present the top platform in content creation is YouTube and Instagram if we think about the world then India has the highest number of people on YouTube in the world. There are 46 crore users on YouTube in India. Along with that, India has the highest number of Instagram users in the world. There are a total of 230 million Instagram users in India.This means that YouTube and Instagram are used by crores of users every day. But if you create some content for people, you can earn money from it. Even if you can't show your face in a video or do a voice over or write a script, you can still create content. You can do all these tasks easily with the help of AI. Further information is given about it.Another way is with creators who are already making content about AI. You can edit videos for them and earn money from them by taking video editing charges.
Video editing with the help of AI
For video editing you need to have raw footage already or if you want to edit video without showing face only with voice. You can add various elements, subtitles, timeline, stock footage, sound effects, transitions and make the video engaging by adding background music at home so that people will like that video. But to make it all the above mentioned things first You used to have to download different ones every time but with the help of AI you can get all the sessions in one place. So it will save your time even if you don't know editing you will be able to do it very easily.
Where to do video editing is an AI powered website where you can create great videos with elements, sound effects, footage, just by drag and drop. Along with that, if you don't want to make a video by doing voice over, you can create a voice in any language automatically by text to speech. Or if you put the script you have created here and cover it in voice, your voice is created
How to Create a Script With the help of chatGPT
you have to go to chatGPT and give command about the topic you want script and immediately you will get all that information ready in one click. You can use the script created here to create a video or convert the script to voice.
How to make graphics
You can create graphics on the Canva website or app. Here too, with the help of AI, you can easily create professional graphics from ready-made templates.
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