Fake Loan Apps list 2024

As in today's generation every one required loan for any purpose ex. Hospital, shopping etc or in any emergency. Therefore it is required that everyone must be aware about fake apps. 
We must know about these fake loan apps because they promise you easy money, but they are actually make scams, that can steal your personal and financial information or trick you into paying upfront fees for loans that will never be provided.

Here we will explain which fake loan apps are, how they work, and how to protect yourself from them. We will also provide a list of the top fake loan apps. 

What actually fake loan app means?

A fake loan app is a mobile app that show you as a legal loan providers, but these are actually designed to stole personal and financial information or they will make user paying some fees to get instant loan, which is they will never provided to anyone. 

How these fake loan app scamers work?

  1. Personal and financial information stole: Fake loan apps mostly request your personal and financial information, such as bank account details, credit card details and OTP password. This information type information they can be use for fraud transactions. 

    1. Prior fee requirement: Those fake loan apps may also demand users to pay prior some fees to receive a easy and instant loan. Hence once any user paying the fee, these loan app never provideloan, and the user is get disappointed also he provide his information too.

How you can protect yourself from these type of fraud loan apps. 

You can easily understand about these easily after reading below information. 

  • Make some research : Before you going to apply  loan from any app, first research the lending company properly to make sure it is legal. You can check loan reviews on websites or in play store too, visit the company's website, and contact the company's customer care directly to ask questions regarding loan requirement such as any prior fees required or need to provide nay OTP to person instead to proved it in app. 

  • Becareful for apps which ask you for prior fees: Legal loan provider will never ask you to pay prior fees to give a loan. If an app askbfor an prior fee, it is a red signal that the app is a fraud.

    • Don't provide your personal and financial details: Always be careful about which information you provide with loan app. share only information which is absolutely required and never share your bank account details, credit card details,or Security passwords with any app that you are not sure it is legal. 

  • Below top fake app list is provided
  1. Cash Advance Loan

  2. Credit Loan

  3. Easy Loan

  4. Fast Loan

  5. Instant Loan

  6. Money Loan

  7. Online Loan

  8. Personal Loan

  9. Quick Loan

  10. Rupee Loan

  11. Salary Loan

  12. Same Day Loan

  13. Urgent Loan

  14. Rupee King

  15. Rupeed King

  16. Fast Cash

  17. Fast Rupey

  18. Infinity kola app

  19. Agile Loan app

  20. Aladdin Lamp

  21. Angel Loan

  22. Apna Paisa

  23. Cash App

  24. Cash Bucket

  25. Cash Credit

  26. Cash Cube

  27. Cash Express

  28. Cash Flow

  29. Cash Genie

  30. Cash Guru

  31. Cash Hub

  32. Cash Junction

  33. Cash King

  34. Cash Kumar

  35. Cash Loan

  36. Cash Mahal

  37. Cash Master

  38. Cash Mine

  39. Cash Ninja

  40. Cash Ocean

  41. Cash Palace

  42. Cash Paradise

  43. Cash Park

  44. Cash Point

  45. Cash Power

  46. Cash Prime

  47. Cash Queen

  48. Cash Raja

  49. Cash Ram

  50. Cash Rani

  51. Cash Rocket

  52. Cash Rush

  53. Cash Safari

  54. Cash Secret

  55. Cash Shop

  56. Cash Smart

  57. Cash Solution

  58. Cash Star

  59. Cash Street

  60. Cash Sultan

  61. Cash Super

  62. Cash Supreme

  63. Cash Tiger

  64. Cash Treasure

  65. Cash Tree

  66. Cash Triangle

  67. Cash Tsunamiash 

  68. Credit App
This list is not enough and there many  other fake loan apps that are not included in this list. It is important to be aware  to avoid any loan app that looks like fraud as mentioned in above details. 

If you are not sure about a loan app is legal, you may check the below guidelines

  • Is the app shows any  legal financial institution connection. 

  • Is app have a good reputation? You can check wereviews to see what other users have said about the app.

  • Does the app require prior fees? Legal loan provider will never ask you to pay prior fees to receive a loan.

If you required loan there are many loan app which are legal and follow all norms and regulation of financial institutions of any country. 

Final understanding from above :-
Fake loan apps is a major problem, but there are mnay things you can use to protect yourself. By making your research, from those apps that ask you prior fees, and protect your personal and financial information, you can avoid falling to be a victim to a fake loan app scam.


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